Hi Ken,

Thanks for your response. The file(s) you linked to usually assume a
generated list of ics files no? My problem right now is that I do not want
to generate those manually from my Mac (could be done of course, but this
search is for something that does that).

The one that comes close is org-mac-iCal, but again my problem with that
one is that it does not work for all the calendars, even personal one that
is not networked. Surprisingly, it works with the holidays calendar (sorry
I said birthdays before, but it's the holidays one that comes by default).
I do not know what's special about that one, but my guess is that perhaps
the formats or locations have changed for the others, although that would

On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 3:42 PM Ken Mankoff <mank...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Mohamed,
> On 2019-04-24 at 21:32 +0200, Mohamed Wael Khobalatte
> <wael.khobala...@gmail.com> wrote...
> org-mode),
> > Does anyone know how I can get my Apple calendar to show up in
> > org-mode as readonly (preferably)? I had no luck with org-mac-iCal.
> There are several tools named ical2org - different languages,
> implementations, and/or forks. I used to use one of them when I was on OS X
> and it worked well for me.
> I'm not on OS X anymore but use something called "ical2orgpy" that
> downloads ICS files from Google and Outlook (and could from iCloud I
> think?) and converts them to read-only Org buffers. The top line is
> -*- eval: (eval (progn (auto-revert-mode 1) (read-only-mode 1))); -*-
> So they are read-only and Emacs updates them when the buffer gets changed
> on disk w/o any questions.
>   -k.

Wael Khobalatte

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