Le mardi 30 avril 2019 à 04:43 -0200, Ken Mankoff a écrit :
> Hi Emmanuel,
> I have looked into PDF and DOCX export repeatedly over the years with
> different versions of Org and Pandoc and Google Docs and keep finding
> that the best method is Org -> LaTeX, and then LaTeX -> DOCX with
> Pandoc.

That's also basically the advice given by John Kitchin.

> I use this babel block to achieve this:
> #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results verbatim :var fn=(file-name-sans-extension
> (buffer-name))
> bibexport -o ${fn}.bib ${fn}.aux
> pandoc -f latex -i ${fn}.tex -t DOCX -o ${fn}.docx --bibliography
> ./${fn}.bib
> The first line may not be needed. That extracts the references used
> in this document from my single massive (3500 element) bib file.

Whew ! How do you manage this ? 

I gave up using JabRef fo a large collection, and use Zotero (which
allows me to share my bibliographic base with Wordheads co-workers.1
have about 14 000 references dispatched in one (small) personal library
and three (large: academic physicians are (have to be) chatty...)
shared libraries. 

I create a problem specific collection to collect the relevant
references, and export that. I found GetterBibtex's auto-export feature
to be very useful.

> The advantage of this Org -> LaTeX -> Pandoc -> DOCX  method is that
> if you need to patch something for Pandoc (e.g. to fix your code
> captions or something) you could insert a NoWeb <<fix-tex-for-
> pandoc>> block before the pandoc line that generates a second,
> corrected, LaTeX file.

Hmmm... this way lies madness : it multiplies the possible sources for
a  bug. I'd rather avoid that, and fight for a *correct* LaTeX source,
which is not the case at the moment.

> Note that I don't use org-ref, just the standard Org referencing
> code, but I don't see why this would change anything, if you're able
> to generate PDFs that meet your requirements.

Org-ref has its points : it offers the ability to create/update and
maintain a document-specific .bib file, ythanks to a set of interfaces
to PubMed/DOI/etc.... I don't give up on the idea of suggesting to John
Kitchin an interface to Zotero : a very crude interface r(Totxt)
exists, that can be used to communicate with a local Zotero process.
But this is now too rough (remaining bugs, etc..) to prepare a patch-
request (I'm not much of a programmer...).

Back to the problem at hand : I'm still bugged by the fact that ox-
pandoc does the right thing in the present case (as well as the built-
in HTML exporter, by the way), and that the built-in LaTeX exporter is
buggy. I just posted a formal bug report limited to this.

Cordially yours,

Emmanuel Charpentier

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