Hi Nate,

Nathan Neff <nathan.n...@gmail.com> writes:

> However, I usually *do* manually assign IDs (not CUSTOM_IDs) myself.
> The reason is so I can reasonably search for the ID within my org
> files and that the link ID makes some sense to me.
> For example, if I see a link to "id:keyboard_shortcuts" I can tell where
> it's going.

If this is what you want IDs for, then you probably want CUSTOM_ID.
There is built-in Org syntax for links based on CUSTOM_ID: write your
links like [[#some-custom-id]] or [[file:foo.org::#some-custom-id]].

And if you use CUSTOM_ID, then if you ever need ID later (e.g., for
something like org-caldav), you won't have a collision between the two
different properties.


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