* Eric Abrahamsen <e...@ericabrahamsen.net> [2019-08-03 02:27]:
> Okay, thanks for that run-down, pretty interesting. I've written a
> package called EBDB[1] that's meant to be sort of an update to BBDB, and
> while I think someone's using it with tens of thousands of contacts,
> 192k records would probably exhaust it. It has pluggable data stores,
> however, one of which will (eventually) be a proper external database,
> so I'm always interested in how people are using this stuff.
> Eric
> [1] https://github.com/girzel/ebdb

Not sure if you rely on vCard as some kind of "standard". It is
attempt to globalize the contact keeping, but I don't find it good,
not at all.

It is way too complicated. It tries to encompass everything possible
in one file, file which is probably not related to other files at all.

Only relational database makes sense for complex contact management.


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