Sorry, i make a typo in the previous mail, i use the "org-icalendar-export-to-
ics" method and not the org-caldav method...
* Heading 1
SCHEDULED <...-....-...>
:ID: xxxxxxxxxxx

Le dimanche 01 septembre 2019 à 09:29 +0000, Fraga, Eric a écrit :
> On Saturday, 31 Aug 2019 at 20:42, rey-coyrehourcq wrote:
> > I'm trying to create a day-to-day workflow with org-mode, org-agenda
> > Scheduleand iCalendat-export backend.
> [...]
> > Normally org-caldav-generate-ics export command reuse the ID fromproperty
> > block to generate the *.ics, but it only works if theSCHEDULED block is
> > after the property block.
> I don't know about org-caldav-generate-ics butorg-icalendar-export-to-ics
> works fine with the standard org format(deadline & scheduled entries ahead of
> properties drawer).  Thatfunction is in ox-icalendar.el.  Maybe try that
> instead of theorg-caldav-... method?
In my case, this Schedule event don't export with "org-icalendar-export-to-ics" 
I'm using emacs 26.2 

Sébastien Rey-Coyrehourcq
Research Engineer UMR IDEES

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