"numbch...@gmail.com" <numbch...@gmail.com> writes:

> org-notify dbus send message to KDE/Plasma caused desktop suspend and high 
> CPU,memory resources.
> Here is my config:
> ```elisp
> (setq org-notify-audible nil)
> (org-notify-add 'default
>                 '(:time "1h" :period "1h" :duration 8
>                         :actions (-ding -notify/window)
>                         :audible t))
> (org-notify-start (* 60 2))
> ```
> When I have about 10 deadline tasks to be reminded at once, dbus suspend 
> desktop soon because send dbus message too fast?
> Maybe add a sequence delay to improve this situation?

That workaround might be helpful, but it sounds like a bug somewhere
else in the Plasma/dbus/etc. stack.  I recommend trying to reproduce it
with e.g. the notify-send shell command; if you can, you'll know the bug
isn't with Emacs/Org.

I recommend filing a bug report with KDE, or perhaps with your Linux
distro as a first step.

By the way, I'm not sure what you mean by "desktop suspend."  The word
"suspend" is typically used to mean putting the system into a low-power
sleep state, but I'm guessing you mean that some part of the Plasma UI
is freezing and causing high CPU usage.

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