Marco Wahl <> writes:

> Adam Porter <> writes:
>> Gustav Wikström <> writes:
>>> 3) Properties defined in a property drawer will have precedence over
>>>    properties defined as a property keyword, if the same property is
>>>    defined using both conventions.
>> That protocol seems unnatural and confusing to me:
>> - If precedence were to be defined by something other than file-order,
>>   it seems to me that those defined with #+ keywords should have
>>   precedence, because they are more visible, while those in drawers are
>>   hidden.
>> - However, it seems to me that the simplest, most natural protocol would
>>   be for later declarations to override earlier ones.
> I think it would be quite natural to use the tree structure of Org.  A
> property setting in a subtree overrides the setting in a parent (which
> could be the document(= the whole file.))

Hi Marco,

I think you misunderstood his point #3 and my objection to it.  :)

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