> On Nov 6, 2019, at 1:55 AM, Ken Mankoff <mank...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> If I have a babel block that generates a table and I'd like latex attributes 
> associated with that table, it seems to work well if I do this:
> #+NAME: foo
> #+BEGIN_SRC bash :results table
> echo "${RANDOM}|${RANDOM}|"
> echo "${RANDOM}|${RANDOM}|"
> #+caption: foo
> #+latex_attr: :placement [!h]
> #+RESULTS: foo
> | 17326 | 29919 |
> | 30565 |  9548 |
> And I can re-run the babel block and CAPTION and ATTR_LATEX remain.
> But if I want to clean with =[C-u] C-c C-v k= or 
> (org-babel-remove-result-one-or-many) and regenerate =C-c C-v C-b= or 
> (org-babel-execute-buffer), then this happens:
> #+RESULTS: foo
> | 17225 | 29253 |
> | 18433 | 27388 |
> #+caption: foo
> #+latex_attr: :placement [!h]
> If I place CAPTION and LATEX_ATTR above the babel block it isn't exported 
> correctly. Is there some way to have this work?

Maybe use something like

M-: (org-babel-map-src-blocks nil (org-babel-insert-result "" '("replace"))) RET

to scrub the existing result values without removing the '#+RESULTS' line.




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