I don't seem to have any trouble with org-eww-copy-for-org-mode. I
capture with a capture template. The code below may be longer or more
than you want, but it works for me.

My capture template is this:

     ("w" "Website" plain
      (function org-website-clipper)
      "* %a\n%T\n" :immediate-finish t)

And it depends on the following code.

  (require 'ol-eww)
  (require 'ol-w3m)

;;; Change this to suit:
(defvar org-website-page-archive-file "~/organize/website/websites.org")
(defun org-website-clipper ()
  "When capturing a website page, go to the right place in capture file,
   but do sneaky things. Because it's a w3m or eww page, we go
   ahead and insert the fixed-up page content, as I don't see a
   good way to do that from an org-capture template alone. Requires
   Emacs 25+ and the 2017-02-12 or later patched version of org-eww.el."

;;; Address the plague of trailing whitespace in some web buffers.

 (let ((buffer-read-only nil))

;;; Check for acceptable major mode (w3m or eww) and set up a couple of
;;; browser specific values. Error if unknown mode.

   ((eq major-mode 'w3m-mode)
   ((eq major-mode 'eww-mode)
     (error "Not valid -- must be in w3m or eww mode")))

;;; Check if we have a full path to the archive file.
;;; Create any missing directories.

  (unless (file-exists-p org-website-page-archive-file)
    (let ((dir (file-name-directory org-website-page-archive-file)))
      (unless (file-exists-p dir)
        (make-directory dir))))

  ;; Open the archive file and yank in the content.
  ;; Headers are fixed up later by org-capture.

  (find-file org-website-page-archive-file)
  (goto-char (point-max))
  ;; Leave a blank line for org-capture to fill in
  ;; with a timestamp, URL, etc.
  (insert "\n\n")
  ;; Insert the web content but keep our place.
  (save-excursion (yank))
  ;; Don't keep the page info on the kill ring.
  ;; Also fix the yank pointer.
  (setq kill-ring (cdr kill-ring))
  (setq kill-ring-yank-pointer kill-ring)
  ;; Final repositioning.
  (forward-line -1)

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