On Mon, Jan 20, 2020 at 6:48 PM Dwarshuis, Nathan J <nd...@yavin4.ch> wrote:

> I recently authored an package called "om.el" which is a functional
> org-mode API akin to dash.el primarily using org-element. Briefly, it
> provides a library of (mostly) pure functions that manipulate the parse
> tree generated by org-element.el, and uses this to either edit or query the
> buffer with all the advantages of functional programming (eg lack of side
> effects, referential transparency, easier testing, etc). The github repo
> for om.el is here: https://github.com/ndwarshuis/om.el.
> I'm posting to the mailing list a) for general feedback on this package
> and b) because I am wondering if this would be a good package to include
> with org-mode itself rather than in another repository such as MELPA. The
> code for om.el is tightly integrated with org-element.el and it might make
> sense for development between these to be closely intertwined.
> There is also an open submission for this to MELPA and the discussion is
> here: https://github.com/melpa/melpa/pull/6623.

Oooo this looks cool. I have a simmering project to have an Evernote like
system built on top of org mode and a set of directories where I've done a
lot of work like this. I'll have to see if I can work this into that and if
I can I'll be sure to open up issues/try to contribute patches etc.

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