No, that isn't what I'm saying. I'm quite happy with Emacs, especially
Spacemacs. However, I had a much harder adoption experience than
necessary, and I find that the barriers to entry are preventing
normie-noobs from choosing Org as a PIM. So I intend to fix that.

On Fri, Feb 7, 2020 at 5:38 AM Fraga, Eric <> wrote:
> Okay, I get it: Emacs (especially vanilla) just doesn't meet your
> requirements.  So be it!  Horse for courses, as they say here in the
> UK.  All I can say is that I find most, if not all, other tools so
> frustrating.  I can never get them to work the way I want.  With Emacs,
> I can.  Yes, this means that I have to work at customizing and this is
> not easy for a beginner.  But I can.
> One minor point, in case anybody else reading this thread might find
> this useful:
> >> What about turning on whitespace-mode?
> >
> > That makes all the spaces visible, which isn't legible.
> As with all things Emacs, this is completely customizable.  You can have
> whitespace mode show/highlight the bits you want and not the others.
> --
> : Eric S Fraga via Emacs 28.0.50, Org release_9.3.2-233-gc2bc48

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