
* Bastien <b...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> writes:
>> A couple days ago, the issue re-appeared (with org-depend being
>> active again). To me, this is a clear indicator, that the issue is
>> content-related and not config/binary-related:
> Can you bisect and deduce what part of your contents is producing
> this?  

This is not trivial in my case since I'd have to merge all my Org
mode content into one single large file and make sure that I remove
content during bi-secting that has no link destination from the
remaining content. 

Personally, I'm not convinced that this method will lead to a
minimum example in any case. I can imagine that "number of Org mode
headings/lines" might be involved here which would not trigger the
error when bi-secting via removing.

Currently, I don't see that this is possible without half a day work
or (IMHO more likely) longer which I can't afford right now. :-(

> When you have a clue, could you also bisect and see what
> change in Org introduced this problem for the problematic contents?

This would be trivial when I could locate the issue in a minimal

> Such issues are difficult to reproduce and track outside your files.

Totally agree. I thought somebody else might have faced the same
issue. As long as I am the only person affected, I don't assume that
it can be solved in a proper way. :-(

I ran another test with Emacs 27.0.50 and disabled org-depend. The
task finished after 4½ minutes without any error. Therefore,
following dependencies has to be the culprit here.

Moving from org-depend to org-edna is not trivial for me as well,
considering the amount of meta-data to be modified. On the other
hand, this would be interesting to see if org-edna can handle this
use-case in a better way. In case somebody has experience with
migration process and/or dependency lookup performance, I'm very

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