
I use Org mode & agenda on both my personal and work machines, in a
private git repo repository. I use auto-commit and push automatically
from each machine. It works alright. New items go in inbox.org, and I
refile most to tasks.org, which has a structure a little like this:

* Home :@home:
** TODO Some task to do at home
** TODO Another task to do at home
* Work :@work:
** TODO A task to do at work
** TODO Another work task
* TODO Some task that is not inherently work/home
* WAITING Another task that blurs the barriers

The different sections for Home and Work means that there are not too
many merge conflicts. However, inbox.org is a different matter. My todo
template adds a LOGBOOK with an `Added' property, and it's almost
impossible to resolve the conflicts that result.

I see that
sadly never produced a tool. But I'm wondering if people have some
strategy for how to best deal with git conflicts (perhaps a non-default
merge strategy works better with Org?) or maybe even better: how not to
create conflicts in the first place! 

I could use a different default agenda file for each machine, since the
inbox.org is worst affected. Is anyone doing this? I could extend this
to use {work,home}_tasks.org too, but I kinda like having that "neither
@work nor @home" option... Decisions decisions.


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