Dear Tomas,
>>>>> Tomas Grigera <> writes:

    > Update: after some digging, I found the problem is related to
    > gnuplot.el.  As a workaround, I set gnuplot-insertions-menu-flag
    > to nil and now evaluation is working again.  I'm still not sure
    > whether this is a gnuplot mode bug or somehow related to the
    > babel-gnuplot interface.

    > Tomas

The issue doesn't appear to be related to babel-gnuplot since I had the
same problem using the gnuplot mode. No gnuplot menu items were visible
until, like you, I set gnuplot-insertions-menu-flag to nil. I use
gnuplot-mode from git, with the latest 'pull', and the change in the
variable is not documented.

Best wishes,


Colin Baxter
GnuPG fingerprint: 68A8 799C 0230 16E7 BF68  2A27 BBFA 2492 91F5 41C8
Since mathematicians have invaded the theory of relativity, I do not
understand it myself. A. Einstein

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