On 3/18/20 4:24 PM, Adam Porter wrote:
BTW, in the body of your email, the text you write has these two
characters between sentences: "  ".  The second is a plain space, but
the first is a Unicode non-breaking space, or "C-x 8 RET a0".  I noticed
because it's displayed in Emacs as an underline character next to the
plain space.

Huh!  Interesting.  Because I know for a fact that I'm hitting the space bar twice and not a NBSP.  (I use and maintain https://github.com/kragen/xcompose so I can type all kinds of things; NBSP is Multi-Key Space Space).  I guess because my mailer has me composing things in HTML mode, and I double-space my periods, and it's thinking "strings of whitespace are collapsed into a single space in HTML!  I'd better do something to make sure those extra spaces, which he took so much care to type, aren't lost!" and makes on a NBSP to take up extra space.  (There was recently a whole discussion on the Unicode mailing list about how 0x00A0 is almost universally used as a fixed-width space when the specs say it should be flex-width, sigh.)


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