
This is useful, thanks!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Emacs-orgmode <emacs-orgmode-bounces+gustav=whil...@gnu.org> On Behalf
> Of Kyle Meyer
> Sent: den 3 april 2020 06:56
> To: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
> Subject: [ANN] public-inbox archive of the mailing list
> I've set up a public-inbox [^1] archive of the mailing list at
>     https://yhetil.org/orgmode/
> It should be fairly complete, going back to the earliest non-test email
> listed in the lists.gnu.org archive [^2].  If you notice that a message
> is missing, please first check whether you can find it with a
> +message-id:<MID> search against the gnu.org archive.  If you can't find
> it there, it probably didn't make it to the list; if you can, please let
> me know.
> New messages should hit the archive within 15 minutes or so.
> I should say more about why I think public-inbox is great [^3], but I
> doubt I could do it justice while keeping this email short.  Anyway, if
> you'd like to have a look, perhaps start here:
>   (eww "https://yhetil.org/orgmode/_/text/help/";)
>   (eww "https://yhetil.org/orgmode/871uc8mtpy....@poukram.net/";)
> [^1]: https://public-inbox.org/README
> [^2]: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/
> [^3]: I'm not alone :>
>       https://public-
> inbox.org/meta/20190912135606.GE16671@pure.paranoia.local/
>       https://public-
> inbox.org/git/nycvar.qro.

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