Marc-Oliver Ihm <> writes:

> as I use the excellent package org-id in a somewhat non-standard way,
> I tend to produce IDs, that are not referenced from anywhere. Org-id
> handles this great and does not suffer in performance, but eventually
> I want to remove those unreferenced IDs.  Therefore I have written a
> small interactive assistant:
> to help with removing those IDs.  The assistant (interactive function:
> org-id-cleanup) is quite detailed with its instructions and checks, so
> that the risk of doing harm ist reduced to a minimum, although not to
> zero (therefore the first step is to ask for a backup).
> In any case I wonder, if this functionality (removing unreferenced
> IDs) could be helpful for anyone else.
> So please feel free to have a look.  Finally I would be grateful for
> any comment whatsoever (e.g. regarding the name of org-id-cleanup.el).

Hi Marc,

Thanks, this looks useful.  I posted some feedback as an issue on the


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