Loris Bennett <loris.benn...@fu-berlin.de> writes:

> Hi,
> I want to use one init.el across multiple machines with different
> versions of Emacs and Org.  Since 'ob-sh.el' changed to 'ob-shell', I
> need to do either
>   (org-babel-do-load-languages
>    'org-babel-load-languages
>    '((org . t)
>      (emacs-lisp . t)
>      (shell . t)
>      (perl . t)
>      (R . t)
>      (matlab . t)
>      (gnuplot . t)
>      (dot . t)
>      (ditaa . t)
>      (plantuml . t)
>      (sqlite . t)
>      (python . t)
>      (latex . t)))
> or 
>   (org-babel-do-load-languages
>    'org-babel-load-languages
>    '((org . t)
>      (emacs-lisp . t)
>      (sh . t)
>      (perl . t)
>      (R . t)
>      (matlab . t)
>      (gnuplot . t)
>      (dot . t)
>      (ditaa . t)
>      (plantuml . t)
>      (sqlite . t)
>      (python . t)
>      (latex . t)))
> I can obviously use a conditional to test the Emacs or Org version and
> execute one block or the other.  However, since the list of languages is
> quite long, I would like to avoid repeating it.
> I create init.el from an init.org, so I am open to tangling solutions too.
> Cheers,
> Loris

I discovered

  append org-babel-load-languages 

and solved the problem like this:

     (org . t)                                                                  
     (emacs-lisp . t)                                                           
     (perl . t)                                                                 
     (R . t)                                                                    
     (matlab . t)                                                               
     (gnuplot . t)                                                              
     (dot . t)                                                                  
     (ditaa . t)                                                                
     (plantuml . t)                                                             
     (sqlite . t)                                                               
     (python . t)                                                               
     (latex . t)))
  (if (string= org-version "8.2.10")                                            
       (append org-babel-load-languages                                         
               '((sh . t))))                                                    
     (append org-babel-load-languages                                           
             '((shell . t)))))           

The version test is a bit rigid, but


is deprecated in my newer, primary version of Org and I couldn't work
out how to use it anyway 😅



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