I use ivy and org-refile to process my inbox.org file hyper-efficiently and
get things into my GTD system.

In a recent discussion on org-roam (which nicely links to files in a nice
wiki-like manner) it occurred to me if I had a similar interface to search
for headlines in the manner of org-refile and then insert them effortlessly
without having to switch to a doc and copy/store them and then switching
back to my doc and inserting them, I'd be a happy camper.

Is there a package/functions that does/do that in some fashion (say
configurable to avoid link sprawl so say, like 3 heading levels down and to
files in specific directories like deft). Googling did not give joy, though
I noticed someone had used a similar approach for addressing link *within*
a document, but not quite there (swiper and worf combo and an ivy-org-ref
package looked interesting).

(I always worry when I post these questions that someone is going to just
say "but did you not know about M-x org-insert-link-like-ivy-with-refile"
so go gentle on me if I've missed something obvious. It seems I often do.
This weekend in particular I've added on a whole bunch of small but in the
aggregate, large productivity improvements to my emacs setup which I
approached solving the wrong way until I asked and someone mentioned
another way to do things, so.... ).


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