I've had another thought :)

Nicolas Goaziou <m...@nicolasgoaziou.fr> writes:

The equivalent code will prevent a user from changing, deleting
the LaTeX markers, or writing past them : this is not the
purpose of the functionality.

That's most helpful, thanks :)

I'l have a look at that now, in the mean time here's what I hope
will be the penultimate version of this patch :D

Thinking about this a bit more, I think this may not actually be desirable

Why? I considered the case where I've been writing a growing inline equation \( \), realised it should be displayed as an equation instead with \[ \] and edited the LaTeX marks such. I have had similar experiences where while editing an equation \[ \] I've realised it should instead be \begin{align*} \end{align*}.

Were the boundary made read-only, I'd have to:
- pause editing the mathematics
- move to the start/end of the fragment in the org buffer, and edit accordingly - re-start org-edit-latex-fragment/environment on the tweaked LaTeX

In my opinion the potential hassle introduced by this outweighs the safety in
not being able to modify the LaTeX deliminators.

Let me know what you think.


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