Hi Gustavo,

I like this idea, thanks for proposing it.  We are in feature freeze
for core features, so we have time to work on this for Org 9.5.

Gustavo Barros <gusbrs.2...@gmail.com> writes:

> With this, we'd have some example inputs, and their respective results:
> 8h       -> 08:00
> 10h30    -> 10:30
> 18h      -> 18:00
> 9h-10h   -> 09:00-10:00
> 9h30-10h -> 09:30-10:00

All the above looks good to me as more flexible ways to input time. 


> 14h+1h   -> 14:00-15:00

is not necessary.  Instead, 14h+1 should produce 14:00-15:00.

This way, the "+" in "[hour]+N" as the same meaning, whether [hour] is
formed as HH:MM or as Hh.

Would you agree?  Would you like to work on this change?



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