Thanks for the useful example. I will take a look. Didn't know about org-sbe!


On Mon, 15 Jun 2020 15:52:16 -0400
Douglas Perrin <> wrote:

> Hi Salomon Turgman,
> I do this a lot and have had success using a combination of #+SETUPFILE to
> bring in names and configuration, and org-sbe to do initialization. I mix
> emacs vars and org names in my source headers with back quoting.
> The following example has a template file containing user/local
> information. This is brought into the example file, on load, through #:eval
> calling org-babel-lob-ingest and org-sbe, in addition, parameters are
> pulled in with #+SETUPFILE and the same template file name. The end result
> for this example is a running docker image with access to local paths and
> "remote" execution via tramp. More complex orchestration and actions in the
> template are certainly possible using org-sbe calls in the init elisp
> source blocks but hopefully, this shows the flavor of what can be done.
> In addition to avoiding code duplication, I have found this to be very
> effective when my group is all working from the same org file (via git) but
> everyone has their own template file with credentials, local paths, and org
> more preferences (ie showstars).
> Regards,
> Doug
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * Init Code, run when file is opened
> #+name: Execute-On-Load
> #+begin_src elisp  :results output
>    ;; for this the container and image have the same name
>     (setq *DockerName* "ContanerName")
> #+end_src
> * Run Contaner
> #+begin_src bash  :results raw drawer :var DockerName=`,*DockerName*
> DockerHubUID=`,*DockerHubUID* containerName=`,*DockerContainer*
> LocalWorkPath=`,*LocalWorkPath* LocalDataPath=`,*LocalDataPath*
>    docker run --rm -d \
>           -v $LocalWorkPath:/root/Workdir \
>           -v $LocalDataPath:/root/Data \
>           --name $DockerName $DockerHubUID/$DockerName bash -c "tail -f
> /dev/null"
>   #+end_src
> * run IN contaner
> #+begin_src bash  :results output :dir (concat "/docker:" `,*DockerName*
> ":/root/Workdir/")
> ls
> #+end_src
> # Local Variables:
> # eval: (org-babel-lob-ingest "")
> # eval: (org-sbe "Init-Template")
> # eval: (org-sbe "Execute-On-Load")
> # End:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #+STARTUP: showstars
> #+PROPERTY: header-args :mkdirp yes
> #+name: Init-Template
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results none
>   ;; This is called expecitly via org-sbe in the buffer that will uses the
> templating
>     (setq *DockerHubUID* "MyUserName")
>     (setq *LocalWorkPath* "/run/desktop/mnt/host/c/Users/.....")
>     (setq *LocalDataPath* "/run/desktop/mnt/host/d/devData/")
>   ;; ingest + SBE can be used to bring in a hierarchy of templates
>   (org-babel-lob-ingest "./GroupTools/")
>   (org-sbe "")
> #+end_src

Salomon Turgman <>

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