03.08.2020 12:11, TEC wrote:

To see how orgmode.org currently appears, see

Sorry for negative (and maybe discouraging) feedback. I would not mind if you just skip my complains since I am not a contributor to org-mode.

Concerning the screenshot, when first impression, that everything is broken and do not worth reading at all, is over, in my opinion, the text makes much more sense than "innovative" marketing stuff got priority on the demo of the new design. I consider the list of tasks, that org mode could help with, is the most important thing to attract new users. It should just be properly formatted.

It seems that new variant is too mobile-centric. On a 24in monitor I expect something more than just a banner. There is plenty of room for brief news related to new releases, for more details of most important features (on the other hand I am against arbitrary scaled screenshots with excessively huge characters in comparison to surrounded text), etc. I am aware that my taste is against of modern design trends.

A couple of remarks unrelated to new look but should be addressed in the case of rework.

I am surprised that Emacs is explicitly mentioned only in html head title. The relation should be clear for new visitors.

As to installation, I believe that org-mode bundled with Emacs is more than enough for first try. It is a shorter path to become familiar with most prominent features just to start editing of an .org file (or to download a prepared demo .org). Getting the latest stable version
could be a next step for the hooked users.

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