This would not be too easy to achieve.

One way I can see it happening is if you keep your manuscript in a VC
system like git, and you tag the different draft versions. Then you use
the VC diff machinery to find the diffs between the versions, and
somehow use that to put color overlays or text properties.

latexdiff can do something like this but only for two versions, not
multiple versions. Even the fanciest of diff programs I think can only
deal with three files (versions).

You might find some insight at

this uses the scimax-editmarks package I have been working on, and uses wdiff
to markup the differences between two versions of a file in a git repo.

Looking back on this you should expect a rainbow soup of issues, for
example, how would you deal with text that has been deleted? or moved
around, or changed a few times between versions.

I am not sure it would be easy to figure out how to do this for multiple

Sharon Kimble <> writes:

> Hash: SHA512
> Thanks for replying Diego.
> The text of the book will not be exported into latex or any other
> forward-type document. I need the coloured text purely for my own
> interest and usage. When, and if, I do export it to latex, LibreOffice
> doc or whatever, it will just have the standard coloured text of black
> text on a white background. But I need different coloured texts in
> org-mode to show me graphically where I added in new text to the book,
> and at what stage of the drafting.
> For instance - first draft is white text, second draft is lime-green,
> third draft is light-blue, fourth draft is pale-red, etc.
> So in the above instance I would have white text, lime-green text,
> light-blue text, pale-red text, etc ... all in the same document.
> Is that clearer?
> Thanks
>   Sharon.
> Diego Zamboni <> writes:
>> Hi Sharon,
>> I'm not sure I understand what is it that you are trying to do. But color 
>> (or any other visual) is a feature of the exporter you use rather than of 
>> Org-mode itself. For example, if you are exporting to HTML, you can use the 
>> following
>> at the top of the document:
>> #+html_head_extra: <style>body { color: white; background-color: black; 
>> }</style>
>> For LaTeX export, you should be able to add the correct settings using 
>> Hope this helps,
>> --Diego
>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 2:37 PM Sharon Kimble <> 
>> wrote:
>>     Hash: SHA512
>>     In a book that I am writing, the text is white on black background which
>>     I like. But this is only the first draft, when its ready I shall go onto
>>     the second draft and then third draft, as many as necessary to polish
>>     the book before it goes to the beta-readers.
>>     So the first draft is white text on a black background, is it possible
>>     for all the second draft text to be in a different colour that I assign
>>     to it? And ditto third draft onwards?
>>     I envisage something like setting the text with 'M-x second-draft-text'
>>     which will then display the new text with its assigned colour. Which
>>     will also mean that the document will have multi-coloured text in it?
>>     Is this possible?
>>     And if it is possible, how do I do it please?
>>     Thanks
>>       Sharon.
>>     - --
>>     Debian 10.2, fluxbox 1.3.7, emacs 27.1, org 9.3.7
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> - --
> A taste of linux =
> TGmeds =
> DrugFacts =
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> 9hHGxHm1fofbVjbdtigkgXc=
> =GIRg

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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