Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> writes:

As I remember, last time I played with multi-line agenda entries, there
were issues with org-agenda-next/previous-item. You may consider
checking if your patch breaks those.

Thanks for the heads up, Ihor. The patch itself shouldn't break
anything and is completely optional behavior, though the example I gave in the docstring does.
I ended up faking the newline with the display text-property:

(defun +org-habit-graph-on-own-line (graph)
 "Place org habit consitency graph below the habit."
`(display ,(concat (when-let ((icon (car (org-agenda-get-category-icon

                       (format " %s " icon))
                     (string-trim-left (thing-at-point 'line))
(make-string (or org-habit-graph-column 0) ? ) (propertize graph 'display '(height (+ 1)))))))

This works well for me so far.

I've revised the docstring attachment in the attached patch.

>From 41ee2b974a98e0beac00a8012eab91cec948e6d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicholas Vollmer <iarchivedmywholel...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2020 13:46:49 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] habit: add custom option for placing consistency graph

* lisp/org-habit.el (org-habit-insert-consistency-graphs): Add
`org-habit-insert-graph-function' defcustom.

Allow user to control consistency graph placement with a customizable
function.  See `org-habit-insert-graph-function` docstring for an
 lisp/org-habit.el | 51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-habit.el b/lisp/org-habit.el
index f76f0f213..55577f442 100644
--- a/lisp/org-habit.el
+++ b/lisp/org-habit.el
@@ -104,6 +104,33 @@ means of creating calendar-based reminders."
   :package-version '(Org . "9.3")
   :safe (lambda (v) (or (integerp v) (null v))))
+(defcustom org-habit-insert-graph-function nil
+  "Function called to place each consistency graph.
+It must accept the graph string as its sole argument.
+It is invoked with point on the current habit's line in the agenda
+buffer, and is responsible for placing point on the line before the
+next habit if point is moved.
+For example, to insert graphs on a new line below each habit:
+\(setq org-habit-insert-graph-function
+      (lambda (graph)
+        \"Place org habit consitency on its own line below the habit.\"
+        (add-text-properties
+         (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)
+         \\=`(display ,(concat
+                     (when-let ((icon (car (org-agenda-get-category-icon
+                                            (org-agenda-get-category)))))
+                       (format \" %s \" icon))
+                     (string-trim-left (thing-at-point \\='line))
+                     (make-string (or org-habit-graph-column 0) ? )
+                     (insert graph))))))
+If nil, the graph is inserted on the current habit's line at `org-habit-graph-column'."
+  :group 'org-habit
+  :type 'function)
 (defface org-habit-clear-face
   '((((background light)) (:background "#8270f9"))
     (((background dark)) (:background "blue")))
@@ -430,17 +457,19 @@ current time."
       (while (not (eobp))
 	(let ((habit (get-text-property (point) 'org-habit-p)))
 	  (when habit
-	    (move-to-column org-habit-graph-column t)
-	    (delete-char (min (+ 1 org-habit-preceding-days
-				 org-habit-following-days)
-			      (- (line-end-position) (point))))
-	    (insert-before-markers
-	     (org-habit-build-graph
-	      habit
-	      (time-subtract moment (days-to-time org-habit-preceding-days))
-	      moment
-	      (time-add moment (days-to-time org-habit-following-days))))))
-	(forward-line)))))
+            (let ((graph (org-habit-build-graph
+                          habit
+                          (time-subtract moment (days-to-time org-habit-preceding-days))
+                          moment
+                          (time-add moment (days-to-time org-habit-following-days)))))
+              (if (functionp org-habit-insert-graph-function)
+                  (funcall org-habit-insert-graph-function graph)
+                (move-to-column org-habit-graph-column t)
+                (delete-char (min (+ 1 org-habit-preceding-days
+                                     org-habit-following-days)
+                                  (- (line-end-position) (point))))
+                (insert-before-markers graph)))))
+        (forward-line)))))
 (defun org-habit-toggle-habits ()
   "Toggle display of habits in an agenda buffer."

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