Hello Bastien,

Below I've included some quick (hopefully useful) notes on the changes
I've made.

Bastien <b...@gnu.org> writes:

p.s. If you'd like a TLDR on that website thread I started I'd happily attempt one. I just hope you don't find me too presumptions going as far
as I have without having heard your thoughts on it.

Of course not! I really appreciate the time and efforts you put in this (daunting) task and I agree we should move on. I just hope it won't be too frustrating if I ask more changes or if we don't "buy"
your solution entirely.  I will carefully review it.

This makes me most happy to hear! While there is the 60-odd email chain with all the relevant information, to hopefully make you life a little
easier here's a little summary:

+ I've forked https://code.orgmode.org/bzg/orgweb to[fn:1]
+ The current state of the site (+ any unpushed changes) can be seen at
+ Technology changes:
  - now using SASS over CSS
  - static images are now (mostly) SVGs (thanks Cairo!)
  - brief screen-captures have been done as looping Gifs
  - jQuery has been removed
- 'resources' (fonts, images, styles, js, html snippets) have been
    filed under ./resources
+ I've (re-)created the following pages: index, features,
  releases(changes), install, contribute, tools, and colophon
+ I've added documentation styling ripped from org-roam
+ I've added a bunch of 'social' meta-information (opengraph, twitter,
  and more). This should give nice embed content like:

I think that's all the main points. Don't hesitate to ask if you have
any questions about what/why I've done.

I look forward to (finally :P) getting your feedback! Don't worry about frustrating me with change requests, I just may ask what lead you to
make a particular request every now and then.

All the best, I eagerly await your feedback :)


[fn:1] I've also used LFS for files like images, fonts, etc. I have since
 noticed that for LFS to work with Gogs you'll need to update the
version to 0.12. This has also caused a re-write of the history, so a
 force push will be needed.

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