This is the unix design: let each tool do what it does well.

LaTeX decides how to format and align tables, and it does this very well. Nevertheless, it does this at the level of the document class, which decides how tables are formatted and aligned for the whole document. The idea of having a user decide table formatting and alignment on a case by case basis is completely foreign to the design of LaTeX. It is also completely foreign to the best practices of book design.

There are many pieces of software that will allow the user to the violate best typesetting practices easily. LaTeX is not one of them.


Emanuel Berg writes:

Matt Huszagh wrote:

Yes, after export to PDF, they are centered.
they = the whole table items.

I think this link
is the relevant part of the documentation.

Yeah, but in LaTeX being left aligned is not some
property of the table, everything is left-aligned,
and if you want it otherwise, you put between
\begin{center} and \end{center} ...

Thomas S. Dye

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