> emacs invoked with "runemacs -Q " and also "emacs -Q" commands. So no
> configuration files are loaded. Rendering issue is not specific to any
> particular org file. It is general to all org files.

I cannot reproduce the issue on my side. Though I am on Linux.

A generic suggestion would be reinstalling emacs to make sure that
org-mode files were not accidentally modified. Also, you may try to
install latest org-mode version (not the one shipped together with


"Shibu N.V" <nvshib...@gmail.com> writes:

> emacs invoked with "runemacs -Q " and also "emacs -Q" commands. So no
> configuration files are loaded. Rendering issue is not specific to any
> particular org file. It is general to all org files. The following message
> is shown in the message buffer
> (Shell command succeeded with no output)
> I am attaching a simple org file. The rendering issue is seen in this file
> too. In this particular case, the hyperlinks are not rendered. Font-lock /
> faces also failed to render.
> N.V.Shibu
> Assistant Professor
> Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology
> Coimbatore-10.
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2020 at 9:27 AM Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Emacs is invoked using runemacs.exe -Q. The org file is loaded in buffer
>> > using C-x C-f. But the org file is not rendered in the buffer.
>> Could you provide the problematic file? Or better the part of file
>> causing the issue?
>> Best,
>> Ihor
>> "Shibu N.V" <nvshib...@gmail.com> writes:
>> > Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
>> > what in fact did happen.  You don't know how to make a good report?  See
>> >
>> >      https://orgmode.org/manual/Feedback.html#Feedback
>> >
>> > Your bug report will be posted to the Org mailing list.
>> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >
>> > Emacs is invoked using runemacs.exe -Q. The org file is loaded in buffer
>> > using C-x C-f. But the org file is not rendered in the buffer. The
>> > message buffer shows the message "(Shell command succeeded with no
>> > output)" and buffer shows Org-mode enabled. To render the file, either
>> > the file needs to be reloaded in buffer or M-x org-mode has to be issued
>> > .Also tried with latest stable release of org 9.4 Working perfectly in
>> > Emacs 26.3 windows binaries
>> >
>> > Emacs  : GNU Emacs 27.1 (build 1, x86_64-w64-mingw32)
>> >  of 2020-08-21
>> > Package: Org mode version 9.3 (release_9.3 @
>> > c:/ProgramFilesh/emacs-27.1-x86_64/share/emacs/27.1/lisp/org/)
>> >
>> > current state:
>> > ==============
>> > (setq
>> >  org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-babel-configure-edit-buffer
>> >      org-src-mode-configure-edit-buffer)
>> >  org-link-shell-confirm-function 'yes-or-no-p
>> >  org-metadown-hook '(org-babel-pop-to-session-maybe)
>> >  org-clock-out-hook '(org-clock-remove-empty-clock-drawer)
>> >  org-mode-hook '(#[0 "\300\301\302\303\304$\207"
>> >    [add-hook change-major-mode-hook org-show-all append local]
>> >    5]
>> > #[0 "\300\301\302\303\304$\207"
>> >    [add-hook change-major-mode-hook org-babel-show-result-all
>> >     append local]
>> >    5]
>> > org-babel-result-hide-spec org-babel-hide-all-hashes)
>> >  org-archive-hook '(org-attach-archive-delete-maybe)
>> >  org-confirm-elisp-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
>> >  org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text)
>> >  org-metaup-hook '(org-babel-load-in-session-maybe)
>> >  org-bibtex-headline-format-function #[257 "\300 \236A\207" [:title] 3
>> > "\n\n(fn ENTRY)"]
>> >  org-babel-pre-tangle-hook '(save-buffer)
>> >  org-tab-first-hook '(org-babel-hide-result-toggle-maybe
>> >       org-babel-header-arg-expand)
>> >  org-occur-hook '(org-first-headline-recenter)
>> >  org-cycle-hook '(org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees
>> > org-cycle-show-empty-lines
>> >   org-optimize-window-after-visibility-change)
>> >  org-speed-command-hook '(org-speed-command-activate
>> >   org-babel-speed-command-activate)
>> >  org-confirm-shell-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
>> >  org-link-parameters '(("attachment" :follow org-attach-open-link :export
>> > org-attach-export-link :complete
>> > org-attach-complete-link)
>> >        ("id" :follow org-id-open)
>> >        ("eww" :follow eww :store org-eww-store-link)
>> >        ("rmail" :follow org-rmail-open :store
>> > org-rmail-store-link)
>> >        ("mhe" :follow org-mhe-open :store org-mhe-store-link)
>> >        ("irc" :follow org-irc-visit :store org-irc-store-link
>> > :export org-irc-export)
>> >        ("info" :follow org-info-open :export org-info-export
>> > :store org-info-store-link)
>> >        ("gnus" :follow org-gnus-open :store org-gnus-store-link)
>> >        ("docview" :follow org-docview-open :export
>> > org-docview-export :store org-docview-store-link)
>> >        ("bibtex" :follow org-bibtex-open :store
>> > org-bibtex-store-link)
>> >        ("bbdb" :follow org-bbdb-open :export org-bbdb-export
>> > :complete org-bbdb-complete-link :store
>> > org-bbdb-store-link)
>> >        ("w3m" :store org-w3m-store-link) ("file+sys")
>> >        ("file+emacs") ("shell" :follow org-link--open-shell)
>> >        ("news" :follow
>> > #[257 "\301\300\302 Q!\207" ["news" browse-url ":"] 5
>> >   "\n\n(fn URL)"]
>> > )
>> >        ("mailto" :follow
>> > #[257 "\301\300\302 Q!\207" ["mailto" browse-url ":"]
>> >   5 "\n\n(fn URL)"]
>> > )
>> >        ("https" :follow
>> > #[257 "\301\300\302 Q!\207" ["https" browse-url ":"] 5
>> >   "\n\n(fn URL)"]
>> > )
>> >        ("http" :follow
>> > #[257 "\301\300\302 Q!\207" ["http" browse-url ":"] 5
>> >   "\n\n(fn URL)"]
>> > )
>> >        ("ftp" :follow
>> > #[257 "\301\300\302 Q!\207" ["ftp" browse-url ":"] 5
>> >   "\n\n(fn URL)"]
>> > )
>> >        ("help" :follow org-link--open-help)
>> >        ("file" :complete org-link-complete-file)
>> >        ("elisp" :follow org-link--open-elisp)
>> >        ("doi" :follow org-link--open-doi))
>> >  org-link-elisp-confirm-function 'yes-or-no-p
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > N.V.Shibu
>> > Assistant Professor Senior Grade
>> > Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology
>> > Coimbatore-10.

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