
ed...@openmail.cc writes:

> My comment for today is that I have something like this:
> this-file.org
> ..............................
> * Fancy header 1
> #+NAME: blk1
> #+begin_src python
>    import numpy as np #+end_src
> ** Fancy subheader 2
> Res 1
> #+include: "this-file.org::blk1"
> Res 2
> #+include: "this-file.org::blk1" src python
> Res 3
> #+include: "./this-file.org::blk1" src python
> .............................. end


> I think that all of them should just export the python block, right?

I don't think so.

  #+include: file src python

means that file is really a python file, whose contents are going to be
enclosed in a Python source code block. So Res 2 and Res 3 are not
meaningful in that case; you cannot apply link search syntax to non-Org

> Also, I think that it would be very useful to have something like this:
> another-file.org
> ..............................
> * Fancy header 1
> #+NAME: blk1
> #+begin_src python :exports none
>    print(2) #+end_src
> #+RESULTS: : 2
> ** Fancy subheader 2
> Res 1
> #+include: "this-file.org::blk1" src python :exports both
> .............................. end
> Which would allow to have the =#+include= override the =:exports= 
> directive from the original block and get the results from the block. 

"Include" is an export-only directive, which is not the case
of :exports. They live in two different worlds, and I think it is a good
thing to keep them orthogonal.

You may be looking after Babel calls.

Nicolas Goaziou

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