Kyle Meyer <> writes:
> So, it seems that changing Org to honor electric-indent-mode is now
> making some users aware of org-adapt-indentation and that its default
> value is not what they want.

I’ve seen before that increasing the depth of a headline with M-→
indents all its content. That was mildly annoying, but nothing to worry

It’s the change to the behavior of RET that disturbs my writing flow.
Now I always have to hit RET twice, or hit RET C-a to start typing.

It’s not just about the default, it is about long-standing muscle memory
suddenly being wrong. This breaks my workflow on an update and requires
me to start digging to find out how to get my system back into a good

That’s something which makes me nervous, because I often don’t have the
time or energy to investigate when something breaks, so when that
workflow is broken, I’m bound to operate on a broken workflow for
anything from days to months, because I cannot estimate how much time
will be required to fix it (and at work I should not just take 3 hours
off to search for some configuration value).

Best wishes,

PS: I started to donate to org-mode a few weeks ago when I realized just
    how central it is to my workflows. If it’s the same for you, please
    join up:
    Creating reliable funding for development of essential Free Software
    tools is one of the critical tasks for spreading Free Software.
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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