
> The whole point of customize is that you shouldn't have to worry about
> what the actual lisp value is. The actual lisp value only matters if
> you directly set the value without using customize.

thanks for the response.  i've included the documentation for
org-adapt-indentation below.  since the documentation talks about values
and associated behaviors, it might be helpful to mention the values in
the customization dialog.  an alternative maybe would be to re-do the
documentation to highlight the three customization phrases:
"Adapt indentation for all lines"
"Adapt indentation for headline data lines"
"Do not adapt indentation at all"
and not change the customization dialog?

i, anyway, was very uncertain, even after several rounds, as to which
customization option would give me the behavior i had read about in the

cheers, Greg


org-adapt-indentation is a variable defined in ‘org.el’.
Its value is 'headline-data
Original value was t

  This variable is safe as a file local variable if its value
  satisfies the predicate ‘booleanp’.
  You can customize this variable.

Non-nil means adapt indentation to outline node level.

When this variable is set to t, Org assumes that you write
outlines by indenting text in each node to align with the
headline (after the stars).

When this variable is set to ’headline-data, only adapt the
indentation of the data lines right below the headline, such as
planning/clock lines and property/logbook drawers.

The following issues are influenced by this variable:

- The indentation is increased by one space in a demotion
  command, and decreased by one in a promotion command.  However,
  in the latter case, if shifting some line in the entry body
  would alter document structure (e.g., insert a new headline),
  indentation is not changed at all.

- Property drawers and planning information is inserted indented
  when this variable is set.  When nil, they will not be indented.

- TAB indents a line relative to current level.  The lines below
  a headline will be indented when this variable is set to t.

Note that this is all about true indentation, by adding and
removing space characters.  See also "org-indent.el" which does
level-dependent indentation in a virtual way, i.e. at display
time in Emacs.


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