* Gerardo Moro <gerardomor...@gmail.com> [2020-11-28 20:02]:
> Is there currently any (good) implementation of the idea of the Remembrance
> Agents in Emacs?

According to this document:

Hyperlink: https://alumni.media.mit.edu/~rhodes/Papers/remembrance.html

the implementation was running already in Emacs!

There is more to it:


And picture: https://alumni.media.mit.edu/~rhodes/Papers/ra.small.gif

As I am developing HyperScope that is to augment the knowledge, at
least for those objects displayed within HyperScope but also in other
context or modes I could invoke something similar as Speedbar on the
side or in separate window that would show all relations to specific
object. It could also look from time to time into what text is user
writing and search relevant terms or tags to display such as
hyperlinks that are accessible on the side. The more information user
enters into the database and the more tags and relations have been
created the better the relevance.

In the context of web applications providing CRM Customer Relationship
Management there are always various related objects hyperlinked on the
same page. Same is valid for ERM or Enterprise Resource Management and
similar systems as they are already based on the relational databases.

Automatic hypertexting is another good feature that may be implemented
within Emacs for any relevant terms.

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