On 2020-11-30 Mon 19:25, Diego Zamboni wrote:
>> I’m aware of several workarounds and this one is perhaps the best.
>> However, I’d prefer if RET would just work as expected.  Org sometimes
>> inserts extra material on RET which I think is okay (e.g. indentation), but
>> is there any precedent, in Org or Emacs more broadly, for RET deleting
>> text?  It seems very counter-intuitive to me.
>  Could it be that the space is being deleted not when you press RET but
> when you save the file? I don't see any space deletion when entering an
> empty headline, but in my config, whitespace at end of lines is deleted
> on save. In Doom Emacs this is enabled by default, and even before I was
> using =delete-trailing-whitespace= as part of my =before-save-hook=.

Your comment has put me on the right track.  The line-final whitespace was not 
deleted by org but by electric-indent-mode, which apparently does this by 

Sorry for the noise!


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