Dima Kogan writes:

> Hi. I'm using the org included with a recent build from emacs git. I
> have this tst.org:
> [[name][link]]
> * heading
> #+NAME: name
> text
> I open it with 'emacs -Q'. I move the point to the link at the top, and
> C-c C-o to follow the link. This doesn't work:
>   Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
> Apparently org doesn't like the empty line right after the #+NAME tag.
> Removing that empty line makes it work.

Thanks for the report.  As suggested in Dante's reply, the blank line
following #+name is invalid syntax.


On maint (3bb073b63), the type error is now avoided for invalid name
keywords.  No attempt is made to match these keywords, though, so your
example won't lead to a match aside from through a fuzzy text search
when org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline is nil.

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