hi again,

i had a look at the content.xml file in each case.

with org-export-preserve-breaks disabled, whitespace is exported (correctly) 
like so:

 <text:s text:c="5"/>text here indented 5 spaces.<text:line-break/>

with the option enabled, the the spaces are directly transferred to the file:

<text:line-break/>     text printed after 5 spaces, which are not properly 
preserved in the org file.<text:line-break/>


On 23/11/2020 19:19, mousebot wrote:
> hi org,
> i use verse blocks to export to odt in a way that preserves whitespace. if i 
> enable org-export-preserve-breaks, whitespace in verse blocks is not 
> preserved: any spaces used to indent text from the left margin are reduced to 
> a single space. is this intended behavior? i had hoped to be able to use both 
> features in my document.
> example:
> #+begin_verse
> here you are,
>         doing your
>     darned
>               best
> to export
> #+end_verse
> will export as
> here you are
>  doing your
>  darned
>  best
> to export
> i tested this by loading emacs -Q, evaluating (setq 
> org-export-preserve-breaks t), then using the normal org export dispatch, 
> with no template.
> best 
> m

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