On 2020-12-12 18:30, pie...@caramail.com wrote:
From: "TRS-80" <lists.trs...@isnotmyreal.name>

Well, it's up to you. If you want we can pursue either option, or both
(one potentially as a temporary workaround).  Or we can wait for more
list replies and see what others think.  As I said there may also be a
better way I am not aware of. If I'm being honest, I have plenty other things to work on, too. ;) But since I open my big mouth now, I can't
very well leave you hanging, now can I?  :D  It also depends on how
complicated stuff we are talking...

Very good of you.  If you let me give a basic long template (perhaps
"Investigation Site").  I can do both, get a fix, and work for an
Emacs incorporation .

Actually, another option just occurred to me.  I don't know where you
are sending results of the capture template, but if you are just
appending to file(s) perhaps you could break the one big template up
into some number of smaller ones?

One problem with that is that new entries are appended in vertical (newline)
and cannot put options in a table.

How about post up your long template somewhere and we can have a look?
Maybe a paste site is better than the mailing list?  If you want to do
that and are not aware of any good (non proprietary) one, I like and use
a lot https://bpaste.net/ (which redirects now to https://bpa.st/,

Maybe while I am at it I have a play about what might be required to get
some scrolling to work with the template.  For all I know, it could be a
simple fix...

Others please feel free to jump in, too, maybe you know something I
don't (about scrolling, I mean).


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