Hi Tim,

Thanks for you quick reply.
>>>>> Tim Cross <theophil...@gmail.com> writes:

    > Colin Baxter <m43...@yandex.com> writes:

    >> Hello,
    >> In the last few days org-publish no loner works for me, giving a
    >> lisp error: (void-function conkeror-minor-mode). The source of
    >> the problem is the line '(add-hook 'js-mode-hook
    >> 'conkeror-minor-mode)' in my init file. If I comment out the
    >> line, the error disappears.
    >> I've tried reverting a couple of recent commits in org-mode, but
    >> to no avail. I'd appreciate pointers as to the issue.
    >> I'm using emacs-27.1 with Org mode version 9.4.4
    >> (release_9.4.4-186-g7fa817).

    > I suspect that is something related to your local configuration -
    > specifically in your Javascript setup hook. I don't think it has
    > anything to do with org. When org publish does its thing, it must
    > be loading js mode and that is triggering the error.

    > Emacs has deprecated conkeror support in the browse-url library
    > ecently (Emacs 28 I think), which has probably resulted in some
    > other packages removing conkeror support. My guess would be that
    > you have been using a package which adds conkeror support when
    > editing Javascript code (you could test this by opening a JS file
    > outside of org mode and see if you get the same error).

I don't get this error editing a js outside of org-mode,
unfortunately. In fact, conkeror-minor-mode-el still works. Ok, all it
does is to send a js script to be evaluate by conkeror, but it still does
exactly that.

I intend to check - when I get time - if the CDATA @license-end stuff
that org publish inserts is not responsible.

Best wishes,


Colin Baxter

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