Juan Manuel Macías <maciasch...@posteo.net> writes:

> But if I evaluate this, I get an 'incomplete' path:

I think you misunderstood how org-attach-git works.

org-attach-git is:

;; An extension to org-attach.  If `org-attach-id-dir' is initialized
;; as a Git repository, then org-attach-git will automatically commit
;; changes when it sees them.  Requires git-annex.

So, it is not designed to work when your actual attachment directory is
a git repo, but rather when org-attach-id-dir is a git repo (initialised

The other thing is that `org-attach-id-dir' makes much less sense from
the time :DIR: property was introduced. So, I believe that
org-attach-git should be updated. Probably, handling attachment dirs as
individual git repos can be one of the ways to upgrade the current
version. I guess, patches welcome.


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