Aloha all,

Recently, custom links that I've used for years changed their behavior. They used to behave like other org mode links, but now they are displayed in a different color face and are always fully displayed, unless I add two new keywords to org-link-set-parameters.

  :follow 'org-ebib-open
  :export (lambda (path desc format)
             ((eq format 'html)
              (format "(<cite>%s</cite>)" path))
             ((eq format 'latex)
(if (or (not desc) (equal 0 (search "parencite:" desc)))
                  (format "\\parencite{%s}" path)
                (format "\\parencite[%s][%s]{%s}"
                        (cadr (split-string desc ";"))
                        (car (split-string desc ";")) path)))))
  :display 'org-link
  :face 'org-link)

I added the :display and :face keywords after I stumbled upon a list of defined links (which I wish I'd noted because I haven't found it since) that indicated that :display was set to 'full (which confused me because I'd read that the default was supposed to be 'org-link). Adding these two keywords restores the original behavior for me.

I'm wondering why I have to set these keywords to get the default behavior?

I did search ORG-NEWS for a relevant entry, but didn't see anything that rang a bell.

I hope you and yours are well in the face of the pandemic.

Let me know if you have questions.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

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