Rodrigo Morales writes:

> + create a Org link to specific pages of a PDF and highlight a given
>   string.
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
> (setq org-file-apps
>       '(("\\.pdf::\\([0-9]+\\)::\\([^:]+\\)\\'" . "zathura -P %1 -f %2 %s")))
> #+end_src
> The following link must open the PDF at a given page and highlight the
> given string. However, I'm getting the following error (see the
> =#+begin_example= block below.)
> [[file:~/Downloads/grub.pdf::95::do]]
> #+begin_example
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
>   replace-match(nil t t "zathura -P 95 -f %2 
> /home/username/Downloads/grub....")

I haven't looked at this closely or tried to trigger the error, but an
in-flight patch is touching this area
(<>).  I've yet to
revisit it to address Maxim's helpful feedback, but I hope to soon and
will look at this error then too.

Thanks for reporting.

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