Nick Savage writes:

> Hi everyone,
> See the attached patch. It is a small change to reduce code duplication 
> between ob-sql.el and ob-sqlite.el by reusing org-babel-sql-expand-vars 
> as suggested by the FIXME in ob-sqlite.el.

Thank you.  Looks good, though I think it'd be nice to keep
org-babel-sqlite-expand-vars around for a bit, marked as obsolete.

> Subject: [PATCH] Reduce code duplication in ob-sqlite.el and ob-sql.el
> * lisp/ob-sqlite.el (org-babel-sqlite-expand-vars): removed function
> to replace with ob-sql.el version
> * lisp/ob-sql.el (org-babel-sql-expand-vars): updated to support
> expanding sqlite vars

Please capitalize the first word after ":" and end the entries with a

> -(defun org-babel-sqlite-expand-vars (body vars)
> -  "Expand the variables held in VARS in BODY."
> -  ;; FIXME: Redundancy with org-babel-sql-expand-vars!
> -  (mapc
> -   (lambda (pair)
> -     (setq body
> -        (replace-regexp-in-string
> -         (format "$%s" (car pair))
> -         (let ((val (cdr pair)))
> -              (if (listp val)
> -                  (let ((data-file (org-babel-temp-file "sqlite-data-")))
> -                    (with-temp-file data-file
> -                      (insert (orgtbl-to-csv val nil)))
> -                    data-file)
> -                (if (stringp val) val (format "%S" val))))
> -         body)))
> -   vars)
> -  body)
> -

How about marking this with (declare (obsolete ...)) and keeping it
around as a wrapper that calls org-babel-sql-expand-vars?  That will
give any third-party code that may have used this for whatever reason
(perhaps unlikely) a chance to update.

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