>>>>> On Thu, 04 Mar 2021 15:22:21 +0100, Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> said:
    Uwe> Sorry, you misunderstood me, this time string, inserts the time string,
    Uwe> when I execute the capture, but I want to extract the time string, when
    Uwe> the message was received. This is why I used 
    Uwe> %:date
    Uwe> in my first attempt, that works but inserts 
    Uwe> Tue, 2 Mar 2021 19:35:03 +0100  

    Uwe> Which I find way too long.

    Uwe> Just 
    Uwe> Tue, 2 Mar 2021 

    Uwe> Would be fine or 02.03.2021

    Uwe> But not the hour, seconds etc

It looks like the %:date handling respects the
'org-time-stamp-formats' variable, so if you can arrange for that to
be let-bound appropriately during the capture process, it might do the
right thing.


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