From: Joost Kremers <>
Subject: org-capture: question about function to create template
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Content-Type: text/plain

Hi list,

I've been looking at the =org-capture= mechanism a bit more closely recently and noticed that in =org-capture-templates=, the template can also be a function. This looks like a potentially useful feature, but I was wondering if there's any way for this function to access the state of the ongoing capture process.

The metadata for the template is stored in the `org-capture-plist' variable.

Specifically, it would be useful for me if the function can find out the key of
the template that the user selected.

This is stored on the above plist as :key.

There are some corner cases to consider if you have overlapping capture processes. You'll want to look into `org-capture-get' and `org-capture-current-plist' as well.

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