Ramesh Nedunchezian <rameshnedunchez...@outlook.com> writes:

> While in the lint buffer, I was expecting that M-g M-n, M-g M-p would
> take me to the relevant source lines.  Unfortunately, this isn't the
> case.  And the linter report is derived from
> `org-lint--report-mode-map' which is derived from
> `tabulated-list-mode'.  The departure from convention surprised me.

I don't know what convention you're talking about and I don't understand
why that would be unfortunate. I think RET will take you to the relevant
source lines whereas TAB and C-j will display them. See manual, or minor
mode docstring, for details.

> And .... the following snippet works fine i.e., The linter finds any
> issue with an "unknown" language but complaints if the "unknown"
> language happens to be empty.
>     #+begin_src zzzzzzzzzzzzz
>        make packages/<pkgname>
>     #+end_src
> I wonder why an unknown langauge would be acceptable for export and
> not a "empty" language.

> Isn't source blocks with no language equivalent to example blocks.

I don't think such assumption is written anywhere. If that was the case,
we wouldn't need example blocks, would we? A source block without
a source language is just a meaningless construct. Forcing a meaning
here would just be a sad hack, IMO.


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