
The question, then, is not if you can have cross-references (as you say,
they work fine), but if they will work with subtree export.

I believe not (but others may have to correct me). Links/refs to parts
of the document outside the exported subtree *will* be broken. The
exporter does not consider other sections of the document and will not
try to resolve how the refs *should* have looked.

If you use custom IDs or dedicated Org targets like <<label1>> for the
label and links like [[label1]] for the refs, you *can* manage how
broken links should be handled. `C-h v org-export-with-broken-links' for


Partha Pratim Ghosh writes:

> Dear All,
> Is it possible to have cross reference in LaTeX export for Org
> mode. To be specific: I have a org file segmented into sections, say as
> follows:
> *** example of Org file, excluding the headers******
> * Section 1
>   contains some text, a label [label:label1].... and some citation 
> [cite:cite1]
> * Section 2
>   contains some text, a label [label:label2] and a reference to label1
>   as [ref:label1], and a reference to a label in Section 3, [ref:label3]
> * Section 3
>   contains some text, and label [label:label3]
> \printbibliography
> ****************************************************
> I did not include the headers where the bibliography files are properly
> added. When I export the full buffer with C-c C-e l o everything runs
> fine. However, whenever I go to Section 2, say and try to export using
> C-c C-e C-s l o (for subtree export only), the bibliography does not
> appear, and the reference to label1 or label3 does not appear.
> Is it possible to have the labels properly referenced as well as the
> bibliography printed when subtrees are only exported to pdf?
> With my regards and all the very best wishes,
> partha

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