Thanks, Tim. 

I deleted all org-related files and started again, with the same result. 

Oddly, I do find reference to org-url-p in my basic org setup:

Richards-Mac-Pro:~/.emacs.d/straight/repos/org/lisp stanton$ grep -i org-url-p 
org-compat.el:(define-obsolete-function-alias 'org-file-url-p 'org-url-p "9.5")
org-lint.el:      (and (not (org-url-p file))
org-macs.el:(defun org-url-p (s)
org.el:                   (uri-is-url (org-url-p uri))
org.el:  (let* ((is-url (org-url-p file))
org.el:    (when (org-url-p file)
Richards-Mac-Pro:~/.emacs.d/straight/repos/org/lisp stanton$ 

I currently load org using straight.el as follows:

(setq package-archives
    '(("melpa" . "";)
      ("gnu" . "";)
      ("nongnu" . "";)))
;;;      ("org" . "";)))

(use-package org-contrib
  :after org
  (require 'ox-extra)
  (ox-extras-activate '(ignore-headlines))

(use-package org
  :after (jupyter)
  :straight t
  :mode (("\\.org$" . org-mode))
;  :ensure org-plus-contrib
   '((jupyter . t)))
  ("C-c l" . org-store-link)
  ("C-c a" . org-agenda)
  (add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (setq-local company-minimum-prefix-length 



> From: Tim Cross <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: [BUG] New error: (void-function org-url-p) when exporting
>       to LaTeX [9.4.6 (9.4.6-gc5573b @
>       /Users/stanton/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain
> OK, think I've worked out what the problem is.
> The function org-url-p is defined in org 9.5, but not org 9.4. Your
> running org 9.4.6, which does not have that function. The fact something
> in your install is trying to call org-url-p would indicate you have a
> mixed or messed up installation of org (i.e. your setup is loading code
> from 2 different versions).
> It is very important when upgrading or installing org that no org
> functionality is yet loaded to avoid this type of issue. Your best bet
> is to remove all org related packages and then try installing org again.
> If your using package.el to install org, make sure the call to install
> it is early in your init file (before any functionality is loaded which
> depends on org). I also find the use-pacakge macro very useful in this
> regard as you can also setup things so that no org functionality is
> loaded until you try to use something which depends on org. This means
> you can typically start Emacs and immediately install/upgrade org
> without any issues. Where people tend to come undone is when they have
> been running Emacs for a while, have been using org and then to a
> package update and the system tries to install a new version of org
> (usually only an issue with new major versions rather than patch fix
> version updates). 
> Richard Stanton <> writes:
>> Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
>> what in fact did happen.  You don't know how to make a good report?  See
>> Your bug report will be posted to the Org mailing list.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Everything worked fine until yesterday, but today when I try to export an 
>> org file that contains the line
>> I get the following error:
>> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-url-p)
>>  org-url-p("";)
>>  org--collect-keywords-1(("SETUPFILE" "FILETAGS" "TAGS" "ARCHIVE" "CATEGORY" 
>> "COLUMNS" "PRIORITIES") nil nil nil)
>>  org-collect-keywords(("FILETAGS" "TAGS" "ARCHIVE" "CATEGORY" "COLUMNS" 
>>  org-set-regexps-and-options()
>>  org-mode()
>>  org-export--prepare-file-contents("/Users/stanton/.org/setup" nil 0 1 1 
>> #<hash-table equal 0/65 0x1fe65e6c9285>
>> "/Users/stanton/teaching/MFE230I/")
>>  org-export-expand-include-keyword()
>>  org-export-as(latex nil nil nil (:output-file "mfe230i.tex"))
>>  org-export-to-file(latex "mfe230i.tex" nil nil nil nil nil 
>> #f(compiled-function (file) #<bytecode 0x1fe65e28d06d>))
>>  org-latex-export-to-pdf(nil nil nil nil)
>>  org-export-dispatch(nil)
>>  funcall-interactively(org-export-dispatch nil)
>>  call-interactively(org-export-dispatch nil nil)
>>  command-execute(org-export-dispatch)
>> Thanks for any suggestions.
>> Emacs  : GNU Emacs 27.2 (build 1, x86_64-apple-darwin20.3.0, Carbon Version 
>> 164 AppKit 2022.3)
>> of 2021-04-06
>> Package: Org mode version 9.4.6 (9.4.6-gc5573b @ 
>> /Users/stanton/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)
> -- 
> Tim Cross

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