Thanks Juan Manuel!

I tried it, but it doesn't work. It leaves the simple quotes
untouched. Did you test it and did it work then?

Best regards,


Juan Manuel Macías <> writes:

> Hi Andreas,
> A quick fix (for LaTeX, odt and HTML), if you want to use second-level
> quotes as first-level quotes in parts of your document, could be to
> define a filter. You must put these quotes as ´ ... ´ (for example):
> #+LANGUAGE: de
> #+OPTIONS: ':t
> #+BIND: org-export-filter-final-output-functions (single-quote-filter)
>     #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results :results none
>       (defun single-quote-filter (text backend info)
>       (cond ((or (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html)
>                  (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'odt))
>              (replace-regexp-in-string "´\\([[:graph:]]+\\)" "‚\\1"
>                                        (replace-regexp-in-string 
> "\\([[:graph:]]+\\)´" "\\1‘"
>                                                                  text)))
>             ((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)
>              (replace-regexp-in-string "´\\([[:graph:]]+\\)" "‚\\\\glq{}\\1"
>                                        (replace-regexp-in-string 
> "\\([[:graph:]]+\\)´" "\\1\\\\grq{}"
>                                                                  text)))))
>     #+end_src
> It's a ´test´. "Please".
> Best regards,
> Juan Manuel 
> Andreas Gösele writes:
>> Thanks Juan Manuel!
>> Your suggestion works for LaTeX, but I need the other formats too. I
>> tried to convert the LaTeX document with pandoc, tex4h and latex2html to
>> odt and html but none of them produces the correct output.
>> So I'm wondering whether there is any way to make org export to
>> recognize single quotes also outside from double quote. It should be
>> possible as inner quotes is not the only use of simple quotes.
>> Thanks again!
>> Andreas
>> Juan Manuel Macías <> writes:
>>> Hi Andreas,
>>> I don't know if this is a bug, but I would say that in principle it's
>>> the expected result. Single quotes are understood here as inner quotes
>>> or second-level quotation marks, therefore they are only activated
>>> nested in text with first level quotes: " ... '...' ... "
>>> lorem "ipsum 'dolor sit' amet"
>>> For LaTeX output, however, the csquotes package is a more powerful
>>> option to control the correct quotation marks for each language. For
>>> example:
>>> #+LaTeX_Header: \usepackage[german,english]{babel}
>>> #+LaTeX_Header: 
>>> \usepackage[babel=true,autostyle=true,german=quotes]{csquotes}
>>> #+LaTeX_Header: \MakeOuterQuote{"}
>>> #+LaTeX_Header: \MakeInnerQuote{´}
>>> #+LaTeX: \selectlanguage{german}\EnableQuotes
>>> It's a ´test´. "Please".
>>> lorem "ipsum ´dolor´ sit" amet
>>> Best regards,
>>> Juan Manuel 
>>> Andreas Gösele writes:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> even using "smart quotes", single quotes are not correctly exported into
>>>> html, odt or latex.
>>>> I have as document:
>>>> | #+LANGUAGE: de
>>>> | #+OPTIONS: ':t
>>>> | #+OPTIONS: toc:nil
>>>> | It's a 'test'. "Please".
>>>> If I export it to html I get:
>>>> | It&rsquo;s a &rsquo;test&rsquo;. &bdquo;Please&ldquo;.
>>>> I should get:
>>>> | It&rsquo;s a &sbquo;test&lsquo;. &bdquo;Please&ldquo;.
>>>> If I export to latex I get:
>>>> | It's a 'test'. "`Please"'.
>>>> I should get:
>>>> | It's a \glq{}test\grq{}. "`Please"'.
>>>> If I export to odt I get:
>>>> | It’s a ’test’. „Please“.
>>>> I should get:
>>>> | It’s a ‚test‘. „Please“.
>>>> (The odt example outputs use utf8, I hope it gets transmitted.)
>>>> So in all three cases apostrophes and double quotes are correctly
>>>> exported, but not single quotes. Similar problem if I use "#+LANGUAGE:
>>>> en".
>>>> I have org-mode 9.3 with emacs 27.1.
>>>> What could I do to get single quotes to be exported correctly?
>>>> Thanks a lot!
>>>> Andreas

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