Tom Gillespie <> writes:

> Hi David,
>     Laundry produces a full s-expression representation of the org
> parse tree (though it is still evolving). I haven't added a pass that
> converts it to some Racket internal representation (probably will be
> structs). If you get it installed and put #lang org at the top of an
> org file you can use racket-mode to parse arbitrary org files, though
> you may hit an error and will definitely encounter an
> incomplete/incorrect parse since it is still a work in progress. Best,
> Tom

Hi, I looked through your code. I saw some hand-written tests on
grammar. Would you be interested in converting those tests into tests in
test-org-element test suite? If the same tests are used for org-element
itself and for your parser, we can easily make sure that incorrect
parsing is avoided. Or you can even reuse the built-in tests for testing
your code (say, by remapping org-element-at-point calls in the tests
to analogous function from your parser).


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