Jakob Schöttl <jscho...@gmail.com> writes:

> Am 01.06.21 um 11:53 schrieb Tom Gillespie:
>>> We have a pretty similar project, org-parser[1]. It's also written
>>> in a Lisp dialect, Clojure, but it uses instaparse instead of brag
>>> as parser library.
>> https://github.com/tgbugs/laundry/tree/next#similar-projects I managed
>> to get it into my README as a reminder to myself to have a thorough
>> look at it, but have been occupied with other work since then.
> Thanks, I'll also set a link in our README to related work.

Have either (or both) of you looked at BeOrg (http://beorg.app)?  This
is an (iOS) app that implements task management from Org files by
reading and updating the Org file structure.  I would assume it uses a
parser to breakdown the Org file structure and rebuild it later.  That
is what I see your parsers becoming.

David Masterson

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