I found something that seems to work. I’m posting it here in case
anyone is interested or has better suggestions. 

First, I understood that my diary file should read:
&%%(org-diary) ~/calendriers/victor.org

This was clearly explained in the docstring of org-diary (if it was
also in the org-mode manual, then I missed it there).

With this set, one can hit "!" from the minibuffer while scheduling an
event to view the diary for the corresponding date.

I found it a bit cumbersome though to hit "!" after each move in the
calendar. So I ended up with the following code. Pressing "!" now
toggles following the diary when the cursor moves in the calendar.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
;;;;; Follow diary from calendar when scheduling events
(defvar-local vic/org-read-date-diary t
  "Whether to display diary for current calendar date when scheduling an event 
from org-mode")

(defun vic/org-read-date-calendar-display-diary (&rest arg)
  "Used as advice after `org-eval-in-calendar'. Display diary for that day if 
`vic/org-read-date-diary' is non nil."
  (when (and vic/org-read-date-diary
             ;; Check that the cursor was actually moved
             ;; Otherwise too many calls 
             (member arg '(((calendar-goto-today))
                           ((calendar-backward-day 1))
                           ((calendar-forward-day 1))
                           ((calendar-backward-week 1))
                           ((calendar-forward-week 1))
                           ((calendar-backward-month 1))
                           ((calendar-forward-month 1))
                           ((calendar-backward-year 1))
                           ((calendar-forward-year 1)))))
    (org-eval-in-calendar '(diary-view-entries))
    (message "")))

(advice-add 'org-eval-in-calendar :after 

(defun vic/org-read-date-toggle-diary ()
  "Toggle following diary from calendar when scheduling events."
  (if vic/org-read-date-diary
      (setq vic/org-read-date-diary nil)
    (setq vic/org-read-date-diary t)))

(define-key org-read-date-minibuffer-local-map
  (kbd "!") 'vic/org-read-date-toggle-diary)

It’s a bit hackish I suppose, partly because I could not find an easy
way to advise the functions in org-read-date-minibuffer-local-map
which are all lambdas. But it seems to work.

I’m still interested in learning from more advanced setups that people
might have for the same purpose (which is: display existing events for
the date that is currently selected in the org-schedule


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